Jeffrey Sommers

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What’s getting occupied where?

Marine Corps Planning Process. 1) Mission Analysis 2) Course of Action Development 3) Course of Action wargame 4) Course of Action comparison and selection 5) Orders development 6) Transition.

Had Javier and I done proper MCPP (pronounced “McPeePee”) somewhere in there the occupation and secession threat over eastern Europe by Russia would have come up. Though now that I think about it, he did send me several emails with news clips that in hindsight seem very telling.

I normally plan my travel with regimented clarity vetted through something resembling the MCPP system. But this is Last Spring Break, no time for efficient planning. This is a time to wing it. Sort of, we did do some basic research into other offerings in the region after reaching the decision to Spring Break (yes, I will use it as a verb) in Moldova:

o Romania – definitely. I found some castles that would be fun to...

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Where are we going?

My mental image of Spring Break brings images of booze, beaches, sun, sleep.

Spring Break 2014 will have one of those.

Graduation is but a few months away, and 8 quarters of law school has left my brain a mush of its former self. While discussing parenting yesterday with friends, and parenting styles based on certain demographics the conversation was dotted with, “this is the general rule…but there is an exception for [insert reasoning].” e.g. When teaching your kids how to play baseball, it’s good to play hard to challenge them, but there is a public safety exception precluding you from throwing the ball 90 mph at them. Three years ago I would have just said “child abuse while teaching sports is bad.”

With a brain in such an incoherent state, I approached my final Spring Break with excitement. It’s time to set aside the books, the schedule, the everything that is law school, and...

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